wanderwaff & konprex - Memory Of Hurtz


wanderwaff & konprex - Memory Of Hurtz
Текст Песни:

Late nights
Late nights in the city neon lights aglow
Whispers in a shadow secret the we know
Hurtbrake on a replay

Like an old school track in a details
Vews from the penthouse but the view is cold
Memorys of us story is left told
Vews from the penthouse but the view is cold

Memorys of us story is left told
Text left unread like graffiti on a wall
In the gallary of love when we used to stand tall
Palaroids of us like snapshot in a rain

Text left unread like snapshots in a rain
Vews from the penthouse but the view is cold
Memorys of us story is left told
Vews from the penthouse but the view is cold

Memorys of us story is left told

Late nights driver but the road feel so long
Lost in rhythm when did we got wrong

In the my city where we need love
Where the stars alone
Vews from the penthouse but the view is cold
Memorys of us story is left told

Vews from the penthouse but the view is cold
Memorys of us story is left told

wanderwaff & konprex - Memory Of Hurtz Текст Песни

Текст Песни Memory Of Hurtz

Тексты Песен wanderwaff & konprex