Леся Полищук - Sunshine Girl



Леся Полищук - Sunshine Girl
Текст Песни:

I was looking for you when you were a vision
It’s not my fiction
And I don’t understand you
Why are you here? So… I’m falling… falling down

But I’m flying around you, cause I’m a sunshine
If I’m wrong just let me know
What happened I don’t know, why
But I know you

I don’t belong you
Sunshine girl
Where is your miracle?
It’s so lyrical

What happened?
It’s just an illusion
I’m in a confusion
Sunshine girl

What happened and why?
Sunshine girl
I’m a miracle
It’s so lyrical

Everyone doesn’t care how I have a state of mind
You want to be on their side
How can I understand you
Will I find ?

You see, I don’t feel, I’m blind
But I’m flying around you, cause I’m “a sunshine
If I’m wrong just let me know
What happened I don’t know, why

But I know you
I don’t belong you
Sunshine girl
Where is your miracle?

It’s so lyrical
What happened?
It’s just an illusion
I’m in a confusion

Sunshine girl
What happened and why?
Sunshine girl
I’m a miracle

It’s so lyrical
Sunshine girl
It’s a miracle
No… no

Sunshine… sunshine
Sunshine girl
It’s a miracle
No… no

Леся Полищук - Sunshine Girl Текст Песни

Текст Песни Sunshine Girl

Тексты Песен Леся Полищук