Elizabetta Greats - Day And Night



Elizabetta Greats - Day And Night
Текст Песни:

Like every person here you look so damn fresh wow
And I don’t know how many of them now
You want so much and of course you’re denying
That every day and night you’re trying to find me

You stand aside but as if in the center
You shouldn’t talk to me but losing your temper
Think I’ll be mad for you at once and forever
Well, it’s so funny and even not clever

Baby you think of me day and night
Baby you think of me day and night
Is something wrong?
Is something wrong?

Is something wrong?
Day and night
Baby you think of me day and night
Baby you think of me day and night

Is something wrong?
Can you control
What’s going on?
Baby you think of me day and night

Don’t dare to call
I am not alone
Baby you think of me day and night
What’s in your mind?

Are you surprised?
No, no, don’t lie
Baby you think of me day and night
I sympathies

No, no don’t hide
That baby you think of me day and night
That baby you think of me day and night

Elizabetta Greats - Day And Night Текст Песни

Текст Песни Day And Night

Тексты Песен Elizabetta Greats